Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Humble Coronation of A King

I'm a New York Knicks fan.
Let's get that out of the way early, because some humble pie is deserved on my plate. Growing up a Knicks and Buffalo Bills fan, I was taught to despise everything Miami. So LeBron bolts from Cleveland, and the greatest player of my lifetime happened to join the team I cant stand. Maybe it was jealousy, or immaturity, but I used this to knock him down a few pegs on my all time greats list. But not any longer, he is easily top 10, if not higher. The way he casually rolled through my Knicks, the amount of leadership against the Pacers and Celtics, and the incredible play during the Finals, I was in awe. So, congratulations LeBron James, the crown is yours...let's hope we can have some great rivalry games for years to come.

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